A Swing at it

An encounter with the grace of God will change your perspective of life. S2K

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

The new year prayer

I pray that you will be blessed in this new year. I am standing with you in faith and believing God that you will over come your mountains and valleys. That you will surrender to God those broken dreams and plans that did not come to pass this last year. That you will dream bigger and greater dreams . That your vision will grow. That you will reach new levels and dimensions with God. That you will impact the world around you.(starting with your home). That the word of God will become alive and feed your passion for the lost and dieing world around you.

I pray that you will conquer and take all that the devil has taken from you. Take your health! Take your wealth! Take your family! Take back your faith! Take,take,take!!!! I pray that this year will be the beginning of your turn around. Let go of yesterday and go with great expectation to this new year. in Jesus holy and powerful mighty name AMEN and Amen!!!!1

Monday, July 26, 2010

Free Book (the review)

Book Title: Free Book by Brian Tome

"Free book" takes you on a ride of reality and in your face approach. Brain Tome gets you on the back seat of his iron horse and tells you to hold on as he breaks every religious bind and teaches you what true freedom in Christ looks like. He gives you an honest look at your fears and the chains that bind you, the reasons for your bondage. Brian gives you the how to of real freedom. This book reads like you are having one to one conversation with him. Brian tome explains how you can have strongholds in your life and not even know it.

I found the book an easy read. I approached it as a student of freedom. His style was proper for the subject. Brains honesty about subjects that did not work for him was refreshing and to the point. I was touched by the stories. I always felt like I was growing in every chapter. This book will be part of my library of recovery books. Brian has special ability to share how freedom is not just a new byword but a real experience and lifestyle in Jesus Christ. I give the book three swings out of five. I recommend it for the uptight religious and the struggling Christian. Go get the freedom Christ Died for.

Thomas nelson publishing has provided a free copy of this book. I receive no financial pay or any other benefit except the free review of this book.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Refuse to live a slave to your circumstances. 

-- Sent from my Palm Pre

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Saul Alinsky in the 1930's 
"change means movement. Movement means friction."

Friday, April 2, 2010

Ok! I am down but not out.

I may be down hit hard, but not knocked out.  I will get up!

Yes I have been hit, sliced and hammerd but I am still moving.

I am only taking a moment to calculate my swing.

When I swing I swing to kill

-- Sent from my Palm Pre

Friday, March 26, 2010

Secrete sin leads to shame. Shame holds you in bondage. Bondage leads to secrete sin circle of death. Swing to kill

Monday, March 15, 2010

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Where are you

Many times we think of God as an angry old man. This zues like god with thunder and lightning waiting to zap someone. He is not my kind of God you say He is just mean. God is mad! i have heard people say many times God is mad at me he could never love some one like me. You may see God as one that in your religion teaches that you have to do certain activities to make him happy or keep him happy.If I do this or that then i might have a chance!!! (you say) I myself comes from something so similar.

I know what it is like to wonder if He cares or if He is there at all. To go to sleep and ask if I do not wake up where will I be?. Is God even aware that I exist?

In the first book of the Bible Genesis There is an awesome account of the love of God. That many miss out on. The first two chapters give an account of the creation of the world and the mighty universe that exist around us. You will read that when God created he always called it good, but when it came to you and me he called it very good. You will read that God even planted a special place for them. The first couple where called Adam and Eve. They had it made. They where told to only stay away from a certain tree. They fell for the lie of the devil and fell from that close relationship from God,Instantly

Now in chapter three you will notice That while Adam and Eve hid, God was looking for them. Adam and Eve after they disobeyed God felt shame. They made an effort to hide it by covering their shame with fig leaves. (ouch) Many times we try to cover our shame the same way with human efforts. We join religion. We offer sacrifices to our gods and idols of pleasure, self indulgence,and religious activity. But the shame does not leave. It only gets worst.we blame it on others and ourselves. We do everything in our power but only to feel worthless and helpless. now back to the Bible.

God was looking for Adam and eve not to get at their case (even though he did)but out of love. Hey Adam where are you??? Hey eve are you there by the flowers? Where are you!!!!? Can you hear the urgency in his voice. Like a parent losing a child at the market. Where are you I don't feel you. A wife speaking to her husband. Where are you!? A father speaking to a lost teen. God: where are you my most valuable creation. Can you hear Gods voice cracking in the fact that something is wrong and he is looking for you and not angry at you but at what separates you from him! SIN!!!!

I know that your religion teaches that your god or gods are angry, But the real creator of all things visable and not, is not angry. He crys out to you where are you. My fiance Donna puts it this way God looks over to His son Jesus and says "son I cant live with out them Go and get them Back! take their place and die for them. Cary their shame ,guilt,sickness and all that is evil. You take their place and Die for I cant live without them son."

Where are you? HE is right there where ever you are at turn to him he loves you
(Rom 5:8) But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.

You can accept the reality that Jesus died in your place on a roman cross and carried your sin and all that comes with it. Believe he conquered death and remove the power of the sting of death and sin by raising from the dead. You can have what the bible calls salvation.

Where are YOU!!!!!