Book Title: Free Book by Brian Tome
"Free book" takes you on a ride of reality and in your face approach. Brain Tome gets you on the back seat of his iron horse and tells you to hold on as he breaks every religious bind and teaches you what true freedom in Christ looks like. He gives you an honest look at your fears and the chains that bind you, the reasons for your bondage. Brian gives you the how to of real freedom. This book reads like you are having one to one conversation with him. Brian tome explains how you can have strongholds in your life and not even know it.
I found the book an easy read. I approached it as a student of freedom. His style was proper for the subject. Brains honesty about subjects that did not work for him was refreshing and to the point. I was touched by the stories. I always felt like I was growing in every chapter. This book will be part of my library of recovery books. Brian has special ability to share how freedom is not just a new byword but a real experience and lifestyle in Jesus Christ. I give the book three swings out of five. I recommend it for the uptight religious and the struggling Christian. Go get the freedom Christ Died for.
Thomas nelson publishing has provided a free copy of this book. I receive no financial pay or any other benefit except the free review of this book.